Serve the poor by preaching for Unbound
We’re looking for priests to help bring to life the Catholic social teaching on which Unbound is based.
Our Catholic parish visit program
Unbound was founded by lay Catholics in 1981 and is grounded in Catholic social teaching to put the needs of the vulnerable first. Since the start of our Catholic outreach program, more than 130 priests have served as Unbound preachers, traveling to parishes across the U.S. and inviting Catholics to sponsor children and elders in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
As an Unbound preacher, you will:
- • Receive compensation as an independent contractor
- • Assist busy priests by helping cover pastoral duties
- • Meet U.S. Catholics at parishes across the country
- • Help parishioners deepen their faith through sponsorship
- • Make a real difference in the lives of the world’s poor
Join our team today!
Frequently asked questions
Unbound preachers share a heart for the poor and desire to connect with the Catholic faithful in the U.S. by offering an effective and trustworthy way for Catholics to put their faith into action. Many of our preachers have experience with international missions or working with those living in poverty.
We are looking for priests in good standing with their bishops and religious superiors. Fluency in an additional language to English is a plus.
Unbound preachers travel during their available weekends throughout the year to share Unbound with Catholic parishes. You will celebrate the Eucharist, preach the Word and share the invitation to connect with Christ within the poor — all while providing time off for busy pastors. Because you’ll never have to deal with second collections or leaving envelopes behind, you’ll be welcomed warmly by Catholic parishes in need of coverage of priestly duties, all while connecting Catholics in the U.S. with the poor and vulnerable of the world.
Unbound’s experienced Outreach & Account Development team manages all aspects of scheduling and executing your weekend visits, in coordination with you. We connect with parishes, handle travel arrangements, and supply materials and volunteer assistance so you can concentrate on preaching.
Our team of preachers receives regular formation and training through Unbound’s Outreach & Account Development team including weekly preacher emails, an annual preacher conference hosted at Unbound’s global headquarters in Kansas City, KS, and occasional opportunities to travel internationally to experience our work firsthand. Unbound preachers are also virtually connected with an Unbound employee as a prayer partner to form a special bond of faith and service.
What our dedicated priests have to say about preaching for Unbound

"Working with Unbound makes real my desire to do work with the poor in a global dimension."

"Unbound affords me an opportunity to visit a variety of parishes and ‘hopefully to affect (afflict) the comfortable and in turn comfort the afflicted!’"

"… I find joy in preaching a Gospel message that promotes sponsorship as a sign of divine mercy to the children of the poor. I cherish the opportunities Unbound is giving me to proclaim joyfully that sponsorship is a concrete sign of God’s mercy."

"Preaching on behalf of Unbound gives me opportunities to pursue my religious commitment: to evangelize and be evangelized by the poor and marginalized and to practice charity, hope and faith.”

"Working with Unbound gives me an outlet to answer the pope’s call to solidarity with the poor."